What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is based on the ancient traditions of tradesmen who worked and lived within and abided by the rules of their own “Lodges”.
In modern day terms it is formed of men (and now some womens lodges) who live by honest moral standards within a social and charitable organisation.
A freemasons most useful asset in our view is to look at life with an open mind, an open heart and a strong determination to help another whenever necessary.
We are a mature lodge comprised of many ex “tradesmen” such as carpenters, electricians, decorators, teachers, policemen and firemen. Our age range is from 40 to the mid eighties so we are more than willing to welcome some new/younger blood to bring us some inspiration for the future of the lodge.
We meet five times a year on the second Fridays in September, November, January, March and May commencing at around 5.00 pm and including a three course meal, all for a very reasonable annual fee.
We aim to have a relaxed and enjoyable time at our meetings. Our social activities consist of a “Ladies Night” annually, Sunday Family Lunches including wives, families and our Widows, Summer Barbeques and the odd themed Quiz Night.
We hope you may be interested in our lodge.
Please remember - you don’t have to join alone. If you have a friend who is also interested, we are quite willing to take you both.
Just fill out the form on the below and we will be in touch with you shortly...
David Stuttard
Tel: 07770 878 369
Email: [email protected]
Peter Garland
Membership Officer
Tel: 07786 545 147
Email: [email protected]
Lodge of Instruction is held on the four Friday evenings at 8:00pm.
Officers' Night: Friday preceding Lodge Meeting at 7:30pm.
Second Friday in
September (Installation)
Castlewood Lodge enables Freemasons to develop friendships with like minded people and open up new experiences to members.
We arrange a number of events throughout the year for members, families and friends to allow everyone to be involved.
Freemasonry is about more than just a meeting or a lodge, it engages the whole community in social and charitable activities for both members and their family.
Spent thirty-four years in the British Fire Service an original Junior Fireman.
20 Years as a Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriags.
40 years in Freemasonry.
Founder of Braidwood Lodge – Secretary for past three years.
Call me any time for
Information on Freemasonry.
Worshipful Master
Ken is our current Worshipful Master. He has a long service in Freemasonry, passionate about his hobby and is always available for a chat.
If you haven't noticed, Ken loves the Festive Boards after meetings.
We donate and help the less fortunate by helping both masonic and non-masonic charities and local communities.
Castlewood Lodge №. 8179
71 West Hill
Sat. Nav.: 51.44689425 0.20706027057824
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